オバマ大統領の描く各国首脳(メルケル, サルコジ, メドヴェージェフ) – 『約束の地』より




Merkel, the daughter of a Lutheran pastor, had grown up in Communist East Germany, keeping her head down and earning a PhD in quantum chemistry. Only after the Iron Curtain fell did she enter politics, methodically moving up the ranks of the center-right Christian Democratic Union party with a combination of organizational skill, strategic acumen, and unwavering patience. Merkel’s eyes were big and bright blue and could be touched by turns with frustration, amusement, or hints of sorrow. Otherwise, her stolid appearance reflected her no-nonsense, analytical sensibility. She was famously suspicious of emotional outbursts or overblown rhetoric, and her team would later confess that she’d been initially skeptical of me precisely because of my oratorical skills. I took no offense, figuring that in a German leader, an aversion to possible demagoguery was probably a healthy thing.

Obama, Barack. A Promised Land. Crown, Nov 17, 2020




Sarkozy, on the other hand, was all emotional outbursts and overblown rhetoric. With his dark, expressive, vaguely Mediterranean features (he was half Hungarian and a quarter Greek Jew) and small stature (he was about five foot five but wore lifts in his shoes to make himself taller), he looked like a figure out of a Toulouse-Lautrec painting. Despite coming from a wealthy family, he readily admitted that his ambitions were fueled in part by a lifelong sense of being an outsider.(中略)What Sarkozy lacked in ideological consistency, he made up for in boldness, charm, and manic energy. Indeed, conversations with Sarkozy were by turns amusing and exasperating, his hands in perpetual motion, his chest thrust out like a bantam cock’s, his personal translator (unlike Merkel, he spoke limited English) always beside him to frantically mirror his every gesture and intonation as the conversation swooped from flattery to bluster to genuine insight, never straying far from his primary, barely disguised interest, which was to be at the center of the action and take credit for whatever it was that might be worth taking credit for.

Obama, Barack. A Promised Land. Crown, Nov 17, 2020



ヨーロッパで影響力を持つドイツとフランスの指導者二人の描写は、とても対照的です。この後の段落で “it wasn’t hard to tell which of the two European leaders would prove to be the more reliable partner.” (この二人のヨーロッパの指導者のうちどちらが頼れるパートナーとなるかはすぐにわかった)と書かれている通り、ドイツのメルケル首相の方を評価してようです。


In other words, Medvedev was a technocrat and a behind-the-scenes operator, without much of a public profile or political base of his own. And that’s exactly how he came across when he arrived for our meeting at Winfield House, the U.S. ambassador’s elegant residence on the outskirts of London. He was a small man, dark-haired and affable, with a slightly formal, almost self-deprecating manner, more international management consultant than politician or party apparatchik. Apparently he understood English, although he preferred speaking with a translator.

Obama, Barack. A Promised Land. Crown, Nov 17, 2020



メドヴェージェフは大統領でありながらも、首相の座についていたプーチン大統領が裏で糸を引いていたことは明らか。オバマ大統領も “Looking over his biography, I could see why everyone assumed Dmitry Medvedev was on a short leash.” (ドミトリー・メドヴェージェフの経歴を眺めると、彼は厳しいコントロール化にあるのではないかと言われている所以がわかった。) と書いています。その経歴というのは、1990年代初頭、ソ連崩壊後のサンクトペテルブルク市の市長のもとで働いている時に同僚であったプーチンと出会い、その後は政治の世界から離れ事業家として成功した後、1999年にプーチンの招きで政府の要職についた。そしてわずか数ヶ月後にエリツィン大統領が突然辞任したことからプーチンが大統領代理となり、それに伴いメドヴェージェフも地位が上がっていったというもの。



“Magic beans, baby. Magic beans.” – バラク・オバマ “A Promised Land”より
オバマ大統領の描く各国首脳(鳩山由紀夫)- 『約束の地』より
